The Pickwick Book Club is a community of local bookworms, students, and teachers who meet monthly to discuss a nineteenth-century novel. Join us each month for conversations about the novel and guest speaker presentations to help us contextualize our readings.

Schedule of readings, discussion topics, and facilitators
Date Readings Discussion Topics Facilitator
Sept 9 Our Mutual Friend:
Book I: The Cup and the Lip
Introduction to the novel Renee Fox, Co-Director of the Dickens Project
Oct 14 Our Mutual Friend:
Book II: Birds of a Feather
Embodiment in the Victorian novel Sienna Ballou, Ph.D. Candidate in Literature, UC Santa Cruz
Nov 11

Our Mutual Friend:
Book III: A Long Lane

What did you find? Wendy Martyna, retired UCSC instructor in Psychology, Sociology, Literature, and the Core Courses.
Dec, multiple dates

Group Outings:

Jan 13

Our Mutual Friend:
Book IV: A Turning

The role of Riah in Our Mutual Friend
Murray Baumgarten, Founding Director of The Dickens Project, and Distinguished Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature, UC Santa Cruz