The Pickwick Book Club is a community of local bookworms, students, and teachers who meet monthly to discuss a nineteenth-century novel. Join us each month for conversations about the novel and guest speaker presentations to help us contextualize our readings.

Support for the reading group is provided by the Santa Cruz Public Libraries.

Pickwick Club monthly meeting schedule with topics and guest speakers
Date Readings Discussion Topics Facilitator
Feb 10

Barnaby Rudge:
Chapters I-XVII

Introduction to the novel
John O. Jordan, Director of the Dickens Project and Professor Emeritus of Literature, UCSC
Mar 10

Barnaby Rudge:

The History of the Gordon Riots
Bruce Thompson, Continuing Lecturer in History, UCSC
Apr 14

Barnaby Rudge:
Chapters XXXIV-L

Mothers and Sons Tara Thomas, Ph.D. Candidate in Literature, UC Santa Cruz
May 12 Barnaby Rudge:
Chapters LI-LXVII
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Mob
Brian Malone, English Instructor, De Anza College
Jun 9

Barnaby Rudge:

Animal Studies Discussion

Carla Frecerro, Professor of Literature and History of Consciousness

Kristin Brunk, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Michael Cohen, UC Los Angeles

John MacNeill Miller, Allegheny College